Blog Post #1: My 5 Top Sources for News and Information

     In this day and age, there are so many different ways that people can get their news sources from that you couldn't possibly keep track of them all. Depending on where you look, information can also differ from source to source, which also has the ability to taint people's opinions on different matters. That is why I find it important to find reliable news sources that are informational, without having too much of a bias towards any of their covered subjects. Below, I have listed my top five sources of news that I go to whenever I need to become informed on a subject that I am interested in. 

Number 1: The New York Times

    The New York Times is one of the most well known sources for your everyday news. When I am looking for news, I like to read The New York Times because to me, it feels like it is for the most part pretty unbiased, although sometimes it can lean a bit towards the left (in my opinion). I'm from New York, and when Governor Cuomo resigned from office, I relied heavily on The New York Times updates on their website to see the latest in what was going on with the case. I believe that this is one news outlet that I will follow for years to come. 

Number 2: The Washington Post

    This news outlet is probably most famous for reporting on Richard Nixon's Watergate Scandal in 1970, and has carried on updating the public on all things politics and and cultural news in the nation ever since. Recently, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos bought out The Washington Post, and since being under new ownership they have seemed to really want to boost their online presence. This has resulted in people with demographics similar to mine (ex: age) reading The Washington Post a lot more than any other news platform. They also have articles accessible on the iPhone, so it is very convenient to access. 

Number 3: The Atlantic

    The Atlantic is a magazine that my parents have a subscription with, so they've been getting mailed to my house for years. I feel like it is not a magazine that a ton of people have heard about, but I enjoy skimming through it whenever it arrives in our mailbox. This news source also have podcasts, videos, and articles that come out and inform us all on current news about things like covid, environmental issues, and different cultural topics. 

Number 4: The Associated Press

    The Associated Press is a news source that has been around since the 1800s. I enjoy getting my news from this source because everything I've seen from them have seemed generally unbiased as well, and I've had professors in the past say that this is a good source to use because of that. Along with The New York Times, this is probably the place I go to the most for when I am looking for news that isn't loaded with opinions. 

Number 5: BBC

    This is another news source that I mainly have heard of because my parents are fans of getting their information from here. Because my parents are either reading or listening to BBC so much, I naturally see what they have to say as well, and for the most part I have found it to be resourceful and positive. 

By Rebecca Bonilla


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