Blog #10: Different Team's EOTO

     For this blog post, I decided to reflect on Group 1's presentation. This group focused on awareness, with topics like propaganda, disinformation, Smith-Mundt Act, Total Information Awareness, False Flag, and Five Eyes. I found these topics to be the most interesting, specifically when they talked about propaganda and False Flags. I think I enjoyed learning more about these topics than others because these are things that have been used for decades now, so it's nothing new.

    Propaganda is information that is usually coming from a biased nature that is used to promote a particular point of view. The people that put out propaganda usually have an opinion that leans far to one side or the other. There are a lot of famous propaganda posters from long ago that are still famously known today. For example, Rosie the Riveter was propaganda that people still reference as the start to woman's rights, and that was decades ago. According to Group 1, propaganda is a subject that people think ended decades ago, but in reality propaganda is still widely used today. It was interesting to see the ways in which propaganda has differed and stayed consistent from events like World War 1 to now. 

 We Can Do It!" | National Museum of American History

    Another subject mentioned by Group 1 was False Flags. A False Flag operation is when a group of people conduct an act that they are actually using to disguise themselves and put the blame on another party. Groups of people have used the False Flags for major events, like terrorist attacks on other countries. In some cases, these have lead to war and retaliation on other countries. From this presentation, I learned that the use of False Flags can be beneficial from one group of people, but give another group of people a bad ending.


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