Blog #5: Antiwar

    When I think about the war I have experienced in my life, it dates all the way back to when I was less than six months old, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place against the United States. That was a major attack that changed the world that we know today into what it was. Even though I don't have an actual memory from the events of this attack, I live in a world that is shaped because of them. Other than 9/11, I haven't experienced any other warfare as prominent as this one. When we talked about antiwar media in class, I had heard of the term before, but was not sure of the meaning behind it. Now, I know that it is the opposition to a nation's decision to start armed conflict. 
           Sept. 11, 2001: What happened at World Trade Center, Pentagon - The  Washington Post

    The first website that I looked at was Anyone who visits this website can see that it is loaded with information related to antiwar antics. Once I figured out how to navigate the site, I discovered a lot of articles that were very interesting to read. The first thing I read was an article titled, "Biden's Dangerous Foreign Policy on Ukraine, Saudi Arabia". The article talked about foreign policy decisions being made by U.S.  President Joe Biden, and the growing tensions in the Ukraine as a result. There was also a video linked in the article to further explain this foreign policy topic. It was really interesting scrolling through this website and finding different sources, and I would definitely recommend this website to a friend. 

    The second website I visited was The American Conservative. This is a conservative American website thats mission is to "recapture the flag of the conservative movement". They talk about issues of foreign affairs, politics, culture, arts and letters, new urbanism, and the economy. When scrolling through this website, it is clear that all the articles are written in a conservative bias, so if people who are more left-wing do not agree with this state of mind, then this may not be the site for them. 

How the American Flag Became a Threat | Time

    Overall, reading these articles brought a lot of new information that I had not known about before. Antiwar is a controversial topic that is not widely talked about in everyday news. I believe that we do not hear these strong antiwar voices in mainstream news because it is such a controversial topic, and a lot of conservative opinions like these are often silenced. This is the first time that I have heard of these websites, and it is probably for the same reason that I have not heard these opinions on the news, because the government does not want us to hear them. This is why when looking for these websites, we have to really search for them around the Internet, which is often flooded by more accepted opinions on current news. 



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